Thursday, May 29, 2003

I'm in Crerar, done with my Paleontology lab early, and sifting through loads of emails. Usually I find this a delight, but it's such a pain today with lots of listhost junk, and information about seminars and events that my busy schedule unfortunately won't allow.
Do you ever wonder what the people around you are up to when you’re in a computer lab? For instance, the guy next to me is writing a paper and there is the book Karaoke Around the World: Global Technology, Local Singing next to him. Interesting. I never would have guessed that there are books in the UofC library about karaoke. Then of course, there’s the many people writing emails, those doing their statistics problem sets using stata (bringing back memories of my last quarter), and other bloggers. And then there's this lady sitting behind me in a booth pushing some kind of button over and over and over in her lap at various times. It sounds just like a mouse squeaking. Very very weird. I keep glancing over there and can't figure out what she is doing. Everyone has these strange confused looks and is wondering what is going on.


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