Thursday, January 05, 2006

Things that Amaze me:

-The our across-the-street organic/local/+regular supermarket that I shopped at last night was written up in the NYTimes yesterday. Hurray New Seasons! In Oregon, Think Local.

-I have only finished two wedding thank you cards. All other 3 bozillion need to be done and mailed by Saturday, or else I have to buy extra "add on" stamps due to the 2 cent increase. sucky.

-That I have been bestowed super secret info that I cannot tell another soul--well, except for maybe paul--but he doesn't count ;o). This probably doesn't amount to much compared to Amy, who is most likely learning some crazy stuff at her special agent atf training and will no longer be able to talk to us for the rest of her life (as documented in her lack of blogging!).

-We won the pub quiz on Tuesday evening. finally. but it only felt like a half-win because there were only a total of 4 teams, and we had a full team (6) this week.

-I slept a full 11 hours last night and woke up with a big red pillow imprint on the right half on my face. Which meant that I had to skip my first bus, and wait for the next one (30 min) before I was ok enough not to die of embarassment. And I still feel tired.


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