Monday, July 15, 2002

Progress in AIDS Program in Haiti, The Washington Post, Bacelona. "It is possible to successfully treat AIDS patients at a squatter's settlement where there is no reliable electricity, virtually no laboratory testing and little more than the right drugs, eager patients and the will to bring the two together.
That was the message brought from Haiti today and presented to the 14th International AIDS Conference." Paul Farmer, the doctor featured in the story, and also the guy who wrote the book Infections and Inequalities, which I read for my Democracy and Social Science class this past spring quarter, travels to Haiti from Harvard to study and treat AIDS.
Also, for an extensive reading about AIDS, The Report on the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic "The Barcelona Report" , UNAIDS at Barcelona , XIV International Conference on AIDS, Barcelona, 7-12 July 2002 was just released online. There are a ton of articles and fact sheets about AIDS that I recommend everyone reads. Especially the "The Report on the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic".


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