Saturday, January 17, 2004

Gilda's Club
I participated in the UCSC Day of Service this morning and afternoon. It was (sort of) a flop. Although themed around "Justice" in honor of Dr. King, we ended up not having much to help out with due to the timing of our visit, but we helped out the best we could on the tasks we had. My team, which consisted of about 8-10 of us volunteered at Gilda's Club, which is a non-profit organization that functions as a support community for people whose lives have been affected by cancer: children, coworkers, friends, family, and the cancer patients themselves. They have many services and they are all completely free: yoga, art, aromatherapy, cooking classes, cosmetics, dance, support groups, pottery, etc. The club started in New York City when SNL actress Gilda Ratner passed away due to cancer. It doesn't provide therapy services, but provides basically anything else you could want. It's now an international non-profit with 17 locations.


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