Friday, May 21, 2004

Busy Schedule
Only two more weeks and then college will be over! Craziness. I'll be the first college graduate ever on my mom's side of the family (and also in my immediate family). :o) Soon to have a BS in Geophysical Sciences. Hurray!
But there's lots and lots TO DO (you probably don't really care but I'm going to tell you anyways):

--Health & Healing Across Cultures: Final paper due 1 June. 12-15 pages, an anthropological study. For this I've interviewed a whole bunch of midwives about how medical expansion has impacted the role of midwives over time and how they have personally accepted, rejected, or compromised with the medical management of birthing processes. I'm excited to write this paper!
--Technologies/Ideologies of Sexual Reproduction: Final paper due 1 June. 8 pages. We have three choices, but I think I'm going to pick this one to write about: Motherhood: a changeless cultural narrative or an evolving construct? Analyzing the ideas of womanhood, motherhood and femininity underlying several reproductive technologies, make an argument about the role of women in reproduction. The successful essay will draw on course readings for both empirical and theoretical ideas about the motherhood. This is my favorite class, again, I'm so excited to write this paper. :o)
--Current Issues in Medical Economics: Final paper due
this Tuesday. 10-15 pages. I've decided to write about the economics of midwifery, specifically looking at managed care and the physicial supply shortage. My scariest class and paper. Ahhhhhh!
--The History of US Public Health: In class final exam, essay and definitions, 3 June. Final paper due Friday the 28th. 8-12 pages. I've decided to write about the history of midwifery in the United States and discussing midwives today as public health workers. This will be a fun paper, although I haven't done any reading for this yet.
--Emergency Response: This Tuesday is the big test: Certification! The Red Cross textbook is thick, and to be honest I haven't even opened it up once this quarter yet (so I have a LOT of reading to do in the next couple of days!), but luckly the test is multiple choice and a lot of it is common sense. Even so, I'm a bit nervous.

The good thing, obviously, is that since I could pick my paper topics for most of my classes they overlap a bit, although each paper is of course going to be seperately written and will be focusing on different aspects of midwifery. As you might have guessed I'm really interested in midwives/doulas and I'm seriously thinking about a nurse-midwife.
The bad thing is that, if you add all those pages up, it comes to FIFTY. My oh my. And I know that I'll be writing to the maximum page limit because I have a lot to say, but still. Two weeks to write 50 pages, I've never done that much in so little time before. This is when I regret taking "fun classes" this quarter...I should have just stuck with science and the good old lab reports that I'm used to. ;o)


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