Tuesday, July 27, 2004

On My Mind

*When it comes down to it I'm a girl who likes to play by the rules. It's either you're fair and do the right thing, you screw it all and play like crazy, or you don't play at all. My personality is not the one that likes the inbetween. We've only played kickball twice here at camp, but each time has made me extremely agitated. On the one hand I'm a super competative person and I like to give things my all. I want to play on a team that wants to win, and I want all my teammates to try their hardest. But on the other hand, if that's not going to happen then I don't want to count the score at all, I just want cooperation between teammates, good sportsmanship, and to have fun. "Screw Integrity" is not how to play. Nor is it a good example.

*My future job prospects are looking up. But I'm not counting on anything until it's basically set in stone. I'll give you more details later, but just know that I'm pretty excited, but also nervous. I might be moving, we'll see. It's way to early to tell. The question will be if I'm moving across town, or up north. It may be a cold winter!

*I feel like I'm back in a niche that's right for me. No more depression, no more stress, no more Chicago. I'm in the educational mode, but this time more into a mentoring role--and I'm quite happy with it. Even though I'm still really interested in the Earth Sciences, I think that the route that I need to take in the very near future is more of a community-oriented one. Social skills, mentoring, counseling, communicating, organizing, planning. My other strengths have come back in full force, and my science brain has been given a rest. ;o) Somehow, I'm going to find a way to connect everything together into the perfect lifestyle & career.

*I realized today that one of the most important skills I learned in high school was how to mediate conflicts. I thought it was almost a joke when I was a mediator...the process of communicating and solving problems through peer talking just seemed so obvious and easy to me. But now I see the benefits of it, and exactly why & how it works. The mediation trainings & retreats always just seemed like a vacation to me, but now I look back on them and feel fortunate. Thanks Mr. Brooks!


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