Wednesday, December 04, 2002

i hate this. i have no motivation to write my paper because i know that i still have a day and a half to type it in. which is ridiculous becauase i really want time to go wander around Pune a little more before I leave. but at the rate i'm working, there will be no time to do anything. i've sat in this internet cafe for three hours now only to actually write one sentence of my paper. it's so hard to focus though when there's strange music blasting in your ear. ok enough complaining. i complain way to much in this journal, and i just can't seem to stop.
on a more positive note: i can't wait to see friends and family again! Less than one week until I return back to Chicago.

i need to unwind. i need to walk. and breathe again. and say what i need to say.
proud: of the new firefighter, of the strong lady alone, of getting over him, of strength and compassion. not of keeping in touch. and not of discipline, not recently at least.


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