Monday, April 22, 2002

So I just got an email that the UofC Republicans are teaming up with the Liberatarians for a "gun outing" this Saturday. Ridiculous. But no more ridiculous than the weather that Chicago has been having. It's in the 30's and "feels like" below thirty degrees according to HAPPY EARTH DAY EVERYONE! I'm so stressed about everything, there's so many activities to plan this week and so many club meetings. Why do I have to be so involved. ;o) Off to a Women&Science Meeting to be on the "executive board", though I don't know if I want to be. I'm the only undergrad in the club that I know's mostly for graduate students and postdocs. So I sent off another application for a summer job. I'm applying to work with Portland Parks & Recreation. I think it would be an awesome job if I get it, but I think that I'm pretty late in applying....gotta keep my fingers crossed. A happy point of anoche was talking to my second set of parents: Lori&Scott. It was great to talk to them again.....I just called to talk and say hi, but at first they were scared that I was going to tell them something bad about was kinda funny. I love you Nick.


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