Thursday, February 19, 2004

My dad has one big charm bracelet, and it's called his motorcycle. Every time I talk to him he mentions his new components that he's added (mostly chrome aesthetic parts). It's really cute to see my dad all excited about his bike though. He's been wanting one for such a long time, and he finally got one last autumn. My mom also wants a motocycle, and one they save up some she's gonna get a Harley.

My First Day of Cuddling
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (otherwise known as the NIC-U) is so hard to find! Since they have grown iin size there are two additional rooms to the unit, but there are not attached at all, one is on the floor abovie and another is attached to the PICU on the opposite side of floor 2. After I signed in I was told that there were no babies to hold since almost all of the mothers had come to visit their babies at that time (there are over 30 babies!). So another volunteer and I spent over half an hour trying to find room 6--the third part of the NICU that stilll might need some help, we spoke to a Chaplan, the head of the Adult Wings of the hospital, and then finally ran into the head of Volunteerism. We ended up having a janitor escort us to mysterious room #6. It was a quiet, calming room at the very end of one of the hallways in the Children's ward. The attending nurse brightened when she saw us walk in and was right away receptive to us helping out. It was so wonderful. The first thing that I got to do was change the diapers of this little little tiny girl (4lbs or so) who was in an incubator (is that what they call them??). Her clothes and diaper were *so tiny*! I swaddled her back up in her blankets and held her to me...she was so precious. I couldn't help but gush at the sight of her.
I fed her her bottle, burped her and inspected her beautifully tiny hands, face, expressions, fingernails, soft hair, dark eyes. She fit in the crook of my arm, even bundled up she was only the length of my elbow to my fingers. I couldn't help but smile. The miracle of creation is so amazing!


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