Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I have proof that Penny loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Back a couple of days ago, before it became winter outside, I was sitting in the hammock with a plate and a PBJ sandwich. The three gals came over to say hi and ask for some treats. Eventually St. Helen and Sterling bobbled away, over to their favorite spot, the side of the composter where lots of bugs can be found. But Penny stayed right by my side. She looked like she was going to tackle me, first weaving to the right and then the left, then coming up through my legs, then circling around. Suddenly, she jumped. Into the air. And in midair took a bit of my sandwich as I was holding it up to put into my mouth. I was in shock and she landed back down, took a gulp, and then clucked at me. Sneaky.

Yesterday it snowed. It's suddenly windy and cold outside and the forecast calls for below-freezing temps tonight. Which means it's time for me to get moving and insulate, or at least wind-proof the coop. I haven't done it yet. I got home tonight and saw the girls with their feather puffed up all snuggling on their roost. I hope they don't freeze. I did plug in an extension cord and ran it out to their coop, hooking up a heated pet bowl so that their water won't freeze. I may or may not add a heat lamp as winter gets more harsh. So far we're still getting an egg a day. Yesterday was a monster! I think it might be a double-yolker.

I'm finally getting over my cold/flu. It sucks to be sick. I also gave into the bus yesterday. When it's freezing out and I'm sick and tired, I just couldn't bike to work. I broke out the monthly bus pass, so I probably won't be biking regularly until spring. I'm a wuss in cold weather. And in the dark (now that it gets dark at 5pm!).


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