Thursday, May 16, 2002

I went to Counted today just to check my stats. It's a neat site that keeps track of how people get to your site. If they just type in the url, or get to it by a search engine, or by a link on someone else's webpage. It's only my third time doing checking up on my blog, I haven't become addicted like Ruthie. ;o) But I thought that it was really funny that someone got to my site by searching for "Krispy Kreme site" on google. All the other random search engine people have been for song lyrics.

So today I was told where the secret keys are to get into two of the Hinds rooms. It's kinda cool, I'm starting to become part of the Dept community now. I know a lot of the grad students, most all of them I think? (well, at least the ones that are social and who actually come out of their office). I really like the dept, especially how small it is (the most they've ever had graduate at one time is 4 undergraduates). It's awesome. The faculty are great, the grad students are awesome, and the undergrads are so much fun to hang out with. I really look forward to every GeoUnion meeting just to talk and hangout.


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