This quarter one of my goals has been to read up on things that I usually don’t have time for. I am spending some time reading on bioethical choices. I am focusing on pro-life issues, which include stem-cell research. In recent current events President Bush just agreed to federal funding of stem-cell research on previously destroyed embryos. “Bush’s order likely will confine research to embryos that have already been destroyed but were created as part of fertility treatment, preventing the creation of embryos solely for research.” Ask me how I feel about this and I’ll tell you: I don’t know. I believe that human life is sacred, it is a gift from God and should not be taken advantage of, it should not be viewed as just another aspect of biology to test and fool around with. We are fully God’s creation and are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139, see a blog below) from the womb (Isaiah 44:24). God knit us together in our mother’s womb, he saw us before our body was formed. *smile*
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