Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Tomorrow I head to Alaska. As you would expect, right now I am fast-packing and hoping that I'm not forgetting anything. I'm pretty sure that I've overpacked though...but I always want to be prepared for everything!

Trying to get out a million emails, but I haven't gotten to everyone yet. Soon, I hope.

I bought the wedding dress today. (Actually, funny story, I bought 3!). The dress is still not 100% "the one" because I want to run it by a few more people, and some alterations need to be done...but it's gorgeous. Only $50 (thanks craigslist!) and raw silk...I love the texture of it. Ivory. Very simple and elegant. No train. It's strapless, but oh well, I'll deal. :o) Now I need a nice shawl or something. Or I'll find another dress and resell this one.

Monday, June 27, 2005

last night:
Team America: World Police
with PBR and a donut
what a great roommate!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

hip hip.

claire's graduation party and daisy's bday party. green daisy sticker on my thumb, to match the almost gone green fingernailpolish.
8 new pairs of pants.
1 black real mink fur cape.
8 new soaps
5 items from nordstrom rack
skirts, swish
a bozillion from goodwill. you don't even want to know how many times i've been to goodwill in the past week. ha!

central oregon: gemstone/rockshow. sun sun. new properties. long beautiful drive, and doors too small: attempted installation.
1 new barrett i a-d-o-r-e. splurge.

poor puck!

a broken keyboard. a messy room. i've got two turn tables and a microphone. where its at.
so much more to do.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Updated: Congrats to Rithya and his fiance with a wedding fast approaching.

Congratulations to Erin & Amby for their new engagement!

Also, a belated congratulations to Megan & Ben for their recent marriage. :o)

In much more mundane news, but still exciting to me, I went on a 2+ mile run this evening with Sarah. It felt so nice and healthy, and I would have been actually quite comfortable running longer. But after so many months of inactivity, it was a good start. It's such a luxury to live next to the Rose City Golf Course. I'm lovin it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

i am to the point of swearing i am so mad i'm missing this. Especially after a devoted chicago following of him. i love seven swans.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Happy Birthday Sudeep!!
Requests of a Subaru Baja, and enough money in my bank account to buy one. Wishing at times I could make those impulsive decisions.
Looping around Mt. Tabor on a mission to dry pants out the window, and talks over tea. i love you.
sisters who are now graduates
November plans taking shape
connecting with old friends, random meetings years later
letters in the mail, letters received
letters still being written, six, three months and counting
saying goodbye
feeling proud


Saturday, June 04, 2005

Only One More Week!
Working 18 hour days, 6 days a week, now for 9 weeks without phone or internet access (and note the little sleep) means me being out of the loop and practically no opportunity to talk with anyone. But tomorrow starts Week Ten of the ODS Session and that's the finale! Meaning that Saturday 11 June I'll be back to the world of constant communication, back in Portland, and back to a normal sleep schedule. Looking forward to it.